十月 13, 2009


dont misunderstand,i'm not changing into a wolf alright...
juz because im too happy+high+excite ah!!!!!
as baby said,our "Pelajar Mati Ramai" finally over lah!!!
then definitely we will start doing the things that's ever crazy than before!!!
haha!!!i think we will start taking lots of photos......
chatting+gossiping lots......
then crazy manner starts on us non-stop......
lots of things will "重出江湖" le!!!^o^

i had decided liao...2moro i will bring "barang larangan" to school,hehehehe.....
*ahem*i know my laughing sound is like "变态怪老伯" la...
没办法...i cant control it...too hard to stop laughing ler...haha......
okay,cool down+calm down+sit down........
if not later i will kiss with the 天花板......^o^

so we had planned about out trips......
but still cant confirm date,time,people involved n how many trips should we hv......
one trip is to times square--theme park on 31st Oct 2009......
another one is to genting on December...

TS.theme park de i think all of us can go de...
but if want all of us to enter the theme park...
MI---mission impossible~~~~
coz some of us wanna go watch movie...(include me^^)
but shermaindra wanna go theme paark leh......
she cant go genting......but she really wanna play......
so i think if got go we suppose will enter t.park de...
but not all of us lor......
summore we still haven't decide whether we need to invite chee wah them or not......

then genting's trip i think i cant go...if i go for both two,i think i will "pokai"......
then juz left may,shin,susu,sugarcane and maybe guys......
but baby dont wanna stay overnight de wor......
actually if he sudi stay oso is a problem lor...whr he is going to sleep at?
same room with girls??haha~~~~~~

okay,here should i stop......
if not i will continue type and type and type non-stop......
then u all will be crazy of looking at my post...^o^
ok lah...stop here lah......

*hv a good rest+relax+play time my friends*


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