十二月 09, 2009


hehe...suddenly "ada minat" want to write sumthing...
actually is bcoz i got nothing to do,too bored...
so juz write up sumthing here...

so guys,how's ur holiday?goin smoothly?
or juz stay at home everyday??
oh yeah,anyone here got a job n start working now??
if got then hope everything good luck...xD

my holiday...only one word can describe about that---s+h+i+t!
everyday juz sit front of the tv,besides this juz staring at the wall......
then nothing jor......boring leh??i think so...^^

now the happiest time for me is when i can go play badminton...xD
damn happy when i saw my dad nods his head n agree me to go!!!
haha~~~~~tomorrow can go out again...
so i muz play until late late juz go back...xD

by the way...
i so miss shermaindra leh!!
but that day i called her she never received my call!
直接盖我的电话 sad......
i so miss her then she dares to "kap sin"!!oh gosh,so "sam tong"~~~~
(my bro:stop acting liao lah!!u act like a idiot leh!)==

wow...only write rubbish also can write so long ah...
so "panai" loh me...^^
k,wanna stop here lah,kena reset my pc liao....
so lack......==
so~~bye lah~~~xD