三月 07, 2010

After Exam

1st thing i wan to say is....
happy birthday to POH POH n SUSU
hapi hapi hapi birthday to u ^^
hope u 2 can always smile & laugh

next is OUR EXAM~~~~!!!
haiz.....dulu is kira berapa A
but now is kira berapa E a~~~

other then that....
our ENGLISH teacher o idiot+stupid+lazy...
i dunno how to say her jor...
our english paper also not yet mark lo...
then today collect books again...
i dunno her how to manage her time de lo...

i also wish all of my friends pass in exam~
i dun wan see all my friends sad+cry(me cry nvm , i dun wan see u all cry)
i wish susu n poh poh hapi birthday again~

post by : Lazy Shin