九月 16, 2010

HEY!!it's ME~

huuu~spider web here....long time din update lor~
firstly i need to say that SORRY,Pei Shin,i put aeroplane to you~
but i dont hope to do that de~my dad din allow me to go>_<

and NEXT,complaining about my ACC Project again....T.T
MY documents haven't finish yet.....but very happy that i already imbang jor my Kunci Kira2....^_^
now only work hard on my 40 documents...but very head pain arh~sumtimes dont know how to draw pun><
how about ur all??i now susu,xian u two very hang fook,no need to do project,then others??done already??
actually i'm now doing project one,but already wanna kill ppl,so take a break...then visit here and's time to clear the spider web,need to update sumthing liao...Xp

Oh ya,sumthing to long already we din hang out??everytime also go out group by group....when can we go and crazy somewhere AGAIN??give ur comment pls^_^

and....hmm.....okay i need to admit that,actually my dad is just sitting beside me and mayb he will realize that im not doing project soon...XD
so,gonna drop myself back to the project again...><
kk,gotta go^_^bye everyone!!