十二月 19, 2009

My Trip ;D

15 Dec 2009 - (at Cameron Highland)
My family and i went to Cameron Highland by my father's car
We eat "pao" at the early morning (6.30)
we have one stop at tapak and have some "teh tarik " thr
When we sampai Cameron....the first location we went at Cameron was the BOH TEA PLANTATION
When we were leaving the BOH TEA PLANTATION was very "sak che"
the road at thr small till ......aiyoyo....
Then my aunt scold the Driver who went to BOH TEA PLANTATION
then my sis said
" 是咯”
then we laugh laugh till we sampai hotel.
in the hotel ...we ply cards....we ply in between.(with money)(tis is my aunt idea)
my aunt so rich ...she "donate" almost 80 ringgit
and i so lucky...i collect 1/2 from the money
it was very fun at Cameron

16-17 Dec 2009 - (at Penang)
at penang we ply sampai "tin"
we have many breakfast , lunch and dinner in 1 day
and we went to the new big guan yin thr ( but not yet open ,so we cant go up thr n see the new big guan yin , juz can see from outside onli )(at Kek Lok Si)

18 Dec 2009 - ( Din't make it to Thailand)
coz no hotel we can stay
haiz....but my mom said we will go again soon...
so we went back home 18 Dec

Post by : Lazy