十一月 06, 2009

our trip~~~

a trip which fullfilled with hapiness......n mayb surprises......
morning morning 6a.m. i already woke up...
then started to bath,eat,n ready to go ktm station...
suddenly that shermaindra told me that she haven't go thr==
then i juz wait until 6.55a.m. juz went there...
after reached there,my gosh,only baby n js king thr(i'm the 3rd~)...
if im not wrong,may came after me,then pei shin,susu,sugarcane....
shermaindra,our woman is the 2nd last...
the latest who joined us is ckchee.....dont know he got wat thing got late jor...

when we reached times square accurately it's 10a.m. already....
but something that's weird is......GSC is still closing!!!
dont know why...last time we went thr at 9a.m. it's already opening...
okay,dont say nonsense thing.....

after(i think is half an hour~),we decided that~~~~
may,shermaindra,me,may's friend n jack went into theme park...
then woman,js king,kah soon,sugarcane,susu n pei shin went 4 Micheal Jackson's movie...
then baby n kok chee juz lepak-lepak lor......
after watching movie they all went sungai wang without telling us==
woman only called me when they're on the way to sungai wang...
that time we r having lunch with baby n kchee......
to make it easy,we all shopping pisah-pisah one......^^

then dont know what time lah,they went back to t.square again......
oh ya,they go "beat aeroplane" n take "big head paste" b4 it.....
i think they juz directly went bowling lah......that time we still playing in theme park^^
then after we met them n after they finished play bowling...
we went 4 dinner......but what i felt regret is we cant having a meal all 2gether...
coz woman,js king,sugarcane n shermaindra went back 1st......

we took our dinner at The Chicken Rice Shop~~~~~鸡饭配美食~~~
that time kchee disappeared already...dont know whr he went...
seven of us(actually is only six,kah soon is not included...) finished our dinner at agak-agak 7p.m. n then we finally舍得went back...

when we reached back KL Sentral it's already nearly 8p.m.~~~
but we felt nothing,coz can hang out with frenz alr super happy mah...
but~~~some unfortunate thing happened on us......
we took a correct train,but dont know y the train straight 铲 to Sentul...
few minutes more we knew frm an "uncle" that we need 2 take train back to putra n wait 4 another train 2 go back to Rwg...
dont know that day who pijak najis lah,so"当黑"...
when we r waiting at putra,the staff thr anounced that the train path at sg.buloh got wrong n need 2 repair...that time we alr waited until wanna kill ppl.....
"dim zi" we met a tjg.rambutan's member oh!!!he already took some alcohol drink.....
then dont know why keep on calling us......we r at his opposite platform leh....but still afraid...
we waited n waited n~~~the train shows every place that it will probably go except RAWANG...

finally,finally~~~we saw the train that showed "RAWANG" at 11.28p.m.~~~~
walao,that time i really fell like wanna "tong gai wan san"......^^
though we reached Rwg at 11.49p.m.(i know it's really late...),but as long as we arrived home lah...nearly wanna cry when i saw Rwg ktm station......

b4 i stop my long~~~post,i wanna 铲 that stupid woman!!!!!!
he dared to tipu me!!!!!!i asked him reach home already mah?
he replied me like this!!!

"awak saudara mara handphone tuan ini?tadi saya kutipkan hp ini,saya nak ulangkan hp ini kepadanya..."

sh*t==i really shocked on the spot......susu immediately called back him...
but he din received the call...then after that he sent back a sms...


let him "boom reach" loh......
actually if i check the sms carefully,i will realize the mistake de...
"pulangkan" bcome "ulangkan" already......
but that time i really worried bout whether we can get home or not...
he still sent this kind of sms wor~~~of course feel shocked lah......
monday when i saw him i really feel like wanna kill him de lor.....hyper geram with him...

okay,i should stop here....sorry 4 let u all see my post 4 a long time...
coz now i cant always on9,my com "yap chong" already...
so 一次过 write a long~~~post......
i go lah,bb^^next time baru saya post new thing lah...